At times, stylists can have some varied views about what’s hot and what’s not. One thing that they
now universally agree on is that indoor plants are a must. Apart from looking great, they remove
toxins from the air and can assist in balancing the humidity in enclosed areas. If you’re looking to
add some pops of colour and inject life into your spaces but don’t exactly have a green thumb, this
guide will help you go green with confidence.

Indoor plants infuse a home with life and colour. 



When planning your plant strategy, think about the spaces and what is most appropriate in them.
Consider things like natural light levels the rooms receive and what is going to really complement
your interior scheme.

Small Spaces
Side tables, ledges and open shelving are all great places for small potted succulents. If you have
room on your bathroom vanity, they also work perfectly as part of practical vignettes on a timber
tray with your soaps and lotions.

Functional Rooms
Bathrooms and laundries can sometimes be a little flat and sterile, so they benefit big time from
both strategically placed potted plants and hanging planters. The lively yet delicate Maiden Hair Fern
is perfect in these scapes.

Larger Living Areas

For areas with more open space like living rooms, potted plants with beautifully variegated leaf
structures make exquisite features, and when well placed can direct attention away from elements
you want to hide. A gorgeous option here is something like Calathea varietals with their multiple
hues of green.


When you have a family, the kitchen can often be mayhem, but hanging baskets with trailing foliage
look stunning and add an element of zen that is needed when the kids are hungry and you’re slaving
over the stove (as long as they don’t obscure your vision). Something like a String of Pearls plant will
do the trick.


When you have the room, having multiple plants at different heights in different forms of pots and
planters is the way to go. Incorporating some taller varietals layered against smaller plants gives a
room a lush sanctuary feel and a living style feature that adds another dimension to any decor. A
combo of Mini Hostas, Cycacs, Banana Trees and Fiddle Leaf Figs are fantastic starting points.

Layering different sized plants at different levels.



A common mistake with indoor plants is placing them in spots that are inappropriately lit. Some
plants can tolerate limited light, whereas others will definitely struggle. Putting your plants outside
in direct sunlight after being in predominantly lowlight situations is a mistake, as they will sizzle just
like we do. Knowing a little bit about the plants you have chosen will go a long way in ensuring they
survive for the long-term.

Another trap is over or under watering. An old trick for checking if your plants need water is to insert
about half of your finger into the soil or potting mix. If it feels a little dry, it needs water. If it’s moist
you can hold off, but make sure you check regularly.

green-leafed plant


If you know you’re not going to be able to give your indoor plants the TLC they need, go for
something hardy that is a survivor. Something like Monstera is extremely hard to kill and looks
superb with its sprawling leaf structure.

But in general, if you’re ever unsure about what plant will work in a space and what kind of care it
requires, checking in with your local nursery or a horticulturalist is your best bet.
Regardless of the theme you have established in your interiors, indoor plants invigorate any design
scheme and will help you reconnect with nature in the comfort of your own home.